Wedding Invitations

Wording For Wedding Invitations

First impressions last a lifetime, or so they say. And when it comes to a wedding, the first impression of it comes from the invitation. Therefore, they’re one of the most important and representative parts of any wedding, and should be chosen and made with great care.

Also, wedding invitations can make some people decide to attend or not a wedding. This is specially true for people who aren’t as close or directly related to the couple, for example, the groom’s boss’s sons or daughters. A wedding invitation that looks fun and inviting will make people think that the party will be fun and open, and they will feel more inclined to attend. On the other hand, a wedding invitation that seems dull or impersonal will give the same image about the wedding, making attending feel like a chore.

The wording for wedding invitations is a very important part of it. The content and style will speak volumes about the newly wed couple.

First of all, no matter what style or content you choose, it must be free of typos and spelling mistakes. Specially on the names. Among the many things that you should have in your wedding checklist, there should be a revision of the spelling of the wording for wedding invitations after you select them, before you print them, and before you mail or send them to your guests. Each revision of the wording for wedding invitations should be conducted twice, so we’re talking about 6 revisions in total. It might seem many, but you don’t want to re-print hundreds of invitations because someone forgot a “d” in “wedding.” In addition, you don’t want your wedding to be remembered for some typo that looked funny in the wording for wedding invitations.

The wording for wedding invitations usually has a poem. You should get one that both you and your husband like. In addition, if your parents and the parents of your boyfriend belong to different religions, it’s a good idea to select one that doesn’t have any religious references. That way, nobody gets offended.

You should also decide the tone of the wording for wedding invitations. In the past, it used to be solemn and glamorous, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t use a more casual tone if you so desire.

These are just some tips, but of course, it is up to you to decide the wording for wedding invitations. It is your wedding and your special day, so make of it what you want, even if it means breaking the non-written laws about wording for wedding invitations.