Wedding Invitations

Wedding Reception Invitations

Ah, the wedding reception. It’s one of the most important social events in every community. It’s not only a union of two people, but also a union of two families, who will forever become relatives as a result of the wedding. It’s no wonder that in the past, kingdoms and countries sealed alliances and sought help by arranged marriages.

Fortunately, such politically convenience marriages are over. And although marriage has lost it’s stability as a lifetime institution, weddings still retain their magic and charm. However, they have been forced to change and adapt to modern times and needs.

One of the most significant changes that modern life has brought to weddings is the separation of the ceremony from the reception, which is why some people only receive wedding reception invitations and not invitations to both the ceremony and the reception.

There are many reasons for this. For example, some guests don’t enjoy the ceremonies but enjoy the reception. If the wedding ceremony’s cost is based on attendance, it’s better to invite only the few and close family and friends who will really enjoy it, and send wedding reception invitations to the rest.

Another reason why some people only receive wedding reception invitations is because they might belong to another religion. While in the past marriages involved only families of the same religion, nowadays it’s very common for people of different religions to get married. Nevertheless, they might decide not to invite people with strong religious beliefs to the ceremony if it’s going to be conducted by a leader of a different religion. Other times, couples compromise by having two different religious ceremonies. Because a wedding reception can be very expensive, they might decide to hold it on a different day from the religious ceremonies, as not to give the idea that one religion is predominant over the other. In that case, all guests would receive wedding reception invitations and only those who belong to a faith would be invited to the reception.

Another reason for sending only wedding reception invitations is distance. With families living across the country, it’s difficult to get a family in Los Angeles to attend a wedding in New York. That’s why some couples compromise by sending ceremony invitations to one family and wedding reception invitations to the other.

Finally, another reason for sending wedding reception invitations is that some couples find the ceremony too personal. Therefore, they don’t feel like inviting everyone that could possibly attend, but only those people who are really close to them and with whom they really feel connected. The rest get only wedding reception invitations.