Wedding Invitations

Pocket Wedding Invitations

If you are a woman who is engaged, you must have a million things in your head right now. The dress, the flowers, the menu, the musicians, the hotel, the honeymoon, etc. There are a million details that are showing up and need urgent attention. Hopefully, you have a checklist, a plan schedule and a budget prepared to tackle such a task.

One detail that some brides overlook until the last moment is the wedding invitations. They might not be recurrent part of a wedding dream, like the dress is, but they are certainly very important for guests.

You see, the first impression a guest gets about a wedding is the wedding invitation that he or she receives. And as you know, first impressions go a long way. Moreover, the image of the wedding invitation reflects on both the wedding and the couple that is going to get married.

At the very least, wedding invitations should be free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. You don’t want your wedding to be remembered by a funny typo on the wedding invitations, do you?

If you have some money to spare, I really recommend going for pocket invitations. They’re a bit more expensive, but they’re worth it. Pocket wedding invitations are classy and elegant.

My favorite pocket wedding invitations are the combination of white cards with a red and black pocket. That combination just seems so classy and elegant. Perhaps I’m a bit biased towards them because they were the ones I used for my own wedding.

There is another advantage of pocket wedding invitations. They’re much easier to carry in a wallet or in a pocket. That way, guests can carry them much more easily and won’t forget them as easily as other types of invitations.

Of course, the biggest disadvantage of pocket wedding invitations is their price. Simple pocket wedding invitations cost about $200 dollars per 100 pocket wedding invitations. On the other hand, the elaborate ones can cost up to $600 dollars per 100 pocket wedding invitations. I am sure you can find something between these two ranges that will fit your budget.

Finally, if you decide to go for pocket wedding invitations, please verify your wording several times before you have them printed. Make sure you make no mistake. You do not want to reprint $1,500 dollars worth of pocket wedding invitations because you made a mistake in your order. If you make sure there’s no mistake, then the printer will have to assume the responsibility if there is some mistake that shows up after the pocket wedding invitations have been printed.