Wedding Invitations

Wedding Invitations Wording

According to the popular saying, the first impression is never forgotten. Regarding the union of a couple, this first impression comes from the wedding invitation. As a result, wedding invitations should be prepared with the utmost care, making sure that they clearly give the desired image, which will reflect on the wedding.

In addition, for people who aren’t that close to the couple, like relatives of friends, the wedding invitations, and specially the wedding invitations wording, are a deciding factor in whether they attend the wedding or not. If the invitation gives a good image and the wedding invitations wording seems inviting, they will be more likely to attend. On the contrary, if the invitation is dull, they will feel that attendance is more of an obligation than an invitation.

That’s why, no matter what the style of the wedding invitation is, the wedding invitations wording is very important. Most of all, the wedding invitations wording must not have any spelling mistakes or typos. You really don’t want some funny error to be the thing that your wedding will be remembered for. That’s why you have to go through the wedding invitations wording 6 times. Three before you send them for printing and three before you mail them to your guests. In addition, keep a copy of the order where the wedding invitations wording is. That way, if there’s a printing mistake, the press or store will have to take responsibility for the mistake. Since printing wedding invitations cost around $1,000 dollars, you don’t want to pay for them again because some letter is misplaced. In addition, getting them reprinted might make it impractical to send them by mail. Therefore, it really pays to go through the wedding invitations wordings several times, as to avoid the risk of a mistake.

If the families of each spouse belong to different religions, it’s a good idea not to mention any religious reference in the wedding invitations wording. That way, no family can claim that their religion wasn’t taken as seriously as the other’s. This is specially useful if the couple is having two different religious ceremonies.

The tone of the wedding invitations wording should match the tone of the wedding. If you’re planning an elegant wedding reception, then that should be reflected in the wedding invitations wording. If you prefer a more fun, casual celebration, then that should be evident in the wedding invitations wording as well.

Of course, these are just simple tips. In the end, it is your wedding, it is your day, and you should celebrate it any way you choose to.