Rifle Safe

Airsoft Rifles

For those who wish to play war reenactments and other war style games, airsoft rifles are a requirement. Airsoft rifles are special non-metallic pellet guns that allow for quasi realistic combat without the risk of serious injury. These guns come in a variety of different shapes and styles, as well as in varying degrees of power. However, in order for Airsoft rifles to be permitted onto the field, there is a restriction to how powerful the guns can be. This is due to the fact that, like paintball and other sports, safety is a dominant concern.

When you are selecting your Airsoft rifles, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, you should have a good idea of the style of airsoft games that you will be playing. WW2 reenactment games will limit the types of Airsoft rifles to those that are modeled after the guns used in WW2. Other games will allow an open run of guns, so that casual players can bring the guns they own to the game.

If you are new to owning Airsoft rifles, you should take the time to see what styles of games are being played in your area. This will help you narrow down the styles of guns that you can purchase to be able to play in those games. Once you have found out what type of game is being played, you can begin figuring out what type of play style that you would like to play. Many advanced Airsoft players will be willing to loan a gun for a game so that you can experience Airsoft without having to purchase the gun in advance. Play a few games and shoot the different styles of guns. If you are buying your first gun, ask for advice from skilled players, as this will ensure you buy a weapon that is in your skill range and budget.

The final aspect of owning Airsoft rifles is having the correct ammunition for them. Depending on what style of game you play, you may have to use low capacity magazines. This is predominately in military simulations or reenactments. Capture the flag games allow for unlimited use of ammunition in most circumstances.

As the core of Airsoft games revolves around the honor system, it is critical that all Airsoft rifles fit within the allowed parameters for power and capacity. When you purchase your guns, ensure that they meet the specifications of the game you are playing, as this will maintain the integrity of the game.