Step Aerobics DVDs


Anybody who does regular aerobic exercise should look into getting water aerobic shoes. This simple piece of exercise equipment can make water exercise easier, more fun, and can prevent against unfortuante scratches and slips in the pool. This makes water aerobics even safer, as you can avoid cutting yourself or straining muscles by slipping.

You can not use just any kind of shoe in the pool, of course. You will need to make sure that you purchase water aerobic shoes that are specifically designed for this purpose. Part of the reason for this is that water aerobic shoes that have not been designed for use in pools will not hold up well with frequent use underwater and with regular exposure to chlorine and other pool-sanitizing chemicals. The other reason for this is that most pools will have rules about what kinds of shoes can be brought in anything that has been worn outside or has parts that can flake off will not be allowed.

Typically, water aerobics shoes are designed to be lightweight so that they do not contribute to drag on your feet while you are swimming. These shoes will also be made from a quick-drying material like neoprene or air mesh. If the water aerobic shoes do not dry quickly, they can be a haven for bacteria and mildew growth. Always leave your water aerobic shoes out in a well ventilated area after use until they have dried. Then they can be stored.

Water aerobic shoes should also have closed heels and fit your feet well make sure that your feet fit snugly into the shoe before you bring it into the water. If the water aerobic shoes are not closed-heel then the water drag on your moving feet might pull the shoes right off, which can at best be annoying and at worst could cause you to trip mid-exercise.

There are several different kinds of water aerobic shoes which are designed specifically for different kinds of exercise. For example, of you do a lot of aquatic walking or jogging and are looking for a great way to increase the number of calories you burn, you should look into water aerobic shoes that fan out on the sides of your feet. These water aerobic shoes will increase the drag on your foot as you step, thus forcing you to work a little bit harder while you do your water aerobics.

Water aerobic shoes will help you get the most out of your aquatic aerobics routine. Just make sure that you choose shoes which are easy to dry, fit your feet snugly, and are designed for the type of exercise that you want to do.