Step Aerobics DVDs


If you are still working from the same old step aerobics tape that you’ve had since the 80s, stop! There are many new aerobic routines out there, so why stick with the same old tired routine? Did you know that if you use the same aerobic routine for years on end without changing it, eventually it stops being as effective? Your body gets used to doing the same amount of exercise every day and learns how to regulate your calorie intake and burn rates so that you do not lose any weight doing what your body thinks is normal, every day stuff.

Where can you find new aerobic routines?

The best place to find new aerobic routines is the internet, especially if you do not have the time or money to hunt down new aerobic videos. You can search based on the specifications you have in mind to make sure that you find the aerobics routine that will be right for you.

First, decide what type of music and dance you would like to do for your aerobics routine. Most of the sites that list aerobic routines will have them listed by music genre. Therefore, once you know the correct musical style for you, you will be able to easily find a lot of routines that are suited to you.

Next, choose from these aerobic routines by deciding which level of difficulty you would like your aerobic routines to be at. Most of the sites that have lists of aerobic routines will let you decide between beginner or advanced options.

Finally, decide what kind of a workout you would like to get. Most aerobic routines will focus on one or two muscles groups, so you may have to choose between working your butt or working or you abs, for instance. This is one of the reasons it is recommended that you choose several different aerobic routines and mix them up as you get tired of one and move on to the next when you are ready.

One disadvantage of putting together your own aerobic routine or using one from the internet is that you will have to supply your own music. In aerobics videos, the music is already there. Of course, depending on how you feel about the music that comes with most videos, this may actually be an advantage, as you will then be able to combine music you like with a routine that you have picked out.

So, pick the routine, pick the difficulty, and then decide which parts of your body you think need the most work. Congratulations, you will have an aerobic routine that is just right for you!