Lightweight Wheelchair

Disability limits the freedom of movement for the paraplegic individual. It is a key achievement in such individual’s life to attain the lost mobility without the help of a caregiver. Immobility, temporary or permanent, partial or complete, can now be overcome to a considerable extent thanks to a wheelchair and especially a lightweight wheelchair.

A lightweight wheelchair minimizes physical exertion, provides smooth and quick propulsion, better manoeuvrability for tight and low-radius turning, better control, and results in low post-usage fatigue. It is suitable for young individuals with high and prolonged outdoor mobility needs (like sports) or for older handicapped people who are compelled to remain in a wheelchair for extended periods of time. It is also suitable for individuals who have flexibility needs for their carrier. A lightweight wheelchair requires a higher level of energy and a somewhat good torso and arms strength.

For a user who weighs up to 250 pounds, it is much better to use a manual wheelchair. A manual wheelchair is either a standard one, or a lightweight wheelchair, or an ultra light version. The basis of this classification is obviously the weight of the wheelchair itself.

A wheelchair above 36 pounds in weight is called a Standard wheelchair while the one that weighs up to 36 pounds is called a lightweight wheelchair. Within this category, if a wheelchair weighs below 30 pounds, it is called an ultra lightweight wheelchair and if a wheelchair weighs between 30 and 34 pounds, it is called a high strength lightweight wheelchair.

A standard wheelchair is suitable for short term usage, for example, for temporary disability support. It is relatively inexpensive and fixed in terms of foot, arms, and back rest. It requires some propulsion effort and is suitable for indoor and outdoor needs.

A lightweight wheelchair is much more sophisticated in terms of configuration of foot, arms, and back rests, to name a few. You can choose between a manual and a folding version. It is very easy to propel and control It is made from high quality materials, such as aluminium, chrome, steel, carbon fibre, etc., to ensure enduring superior performance. It can resist a higher degree of wear and tear associated with extended usage of the wheelchair. It is also suitable in case a high degree of customization is needed.

For a more durable and dependable solution, you can choose a high strength lightweight wheelchair. If you need mobility support for indefinite period of time, switch to ultra lightweight version. Know your requirements and choose the right lightweight wheelchair to make a difference in your life.
