Installing Skylights

We should have some basic knowledge of some important things before we start installing skylights. First of all installing skylights looks very easy but it’s really a tough job. Secondly, we should be familiar with the material required for installing skylights such as framing, drywall, roofing paper, galvanized nails, roofing nails, etc. Some tools like a circular saw, a hammer, a flat pry bar, tin snips, and an utility knife will also be needed while installing skylights.

Installing skylights is a five step process. It’s always better to hire a professional to do the job. However, it’s also a good idea to know the general process of installing highlights so you can understand better any questions or comments from the person that’s doing the job.

There are five main steps for installing skylights.

1.- Cutting an opening.

First of all, a hole on the roof has to be cut, which can be done by using a circular saw. It’s very important to select the exact area where you’re going to make it. Sometimes it’s better to cut the hole from the inside of the house. Afterwards, the border must me smoothed for a better grip.

2.- Setting up the skylight.

With the use of a utility knife, roof shingles should be cut about 3 inches away from the aperture on every side. The skylight has to be sent in the wanted position and location, and fixed to the roof with nails or screws.

3.- Set up the roofing paper.

The roofing paper has to be cut in strips of about seven to eight inches wide and slid below the shingles. First setup the base, then the sides, and finally, the top piece in the end. Placing the paper below shingles will be a bit difficult. Make use of a pry bar to get rid of the roofing nails which are in the way.

4.- Installing the bottom lens.

Now the next step is installing the base, which has to be a single piece. The nails should be set horizontally. Don’t place them vertically, as this might cause damage to the skylight.

5.- Setting the top lens.

Finally, the top lens has to be adjusted and nailed or otherwise fixed to the roof. It’s better to do this during daylight, so you can see the results of the lighting before you nail it.

So, as you can see, installing skylights is not a simple process. If you don’t have experience with installing skylights, it’s always better to hire a professional. Just make sure he guarantees the result.