Tamco Shingles

Tamco shingles are some of the most popular shingles in the United States in the roofing and building industries. They are known not only for their quality and price, but also for their excellent guarantee programs, which allow them to be transferred if the house where the Tamco shingles were installed is sold.

Tamco is actually just the popular name of the company that has caught on in the general public’s mind. The real name is Tamko, but for some reason, their products are still known as Tamco singles among a lot of people in the building industry. Tamko come from the initial of five states in the United States, which are Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

This strange name comes from the company’s origins, back in 1944, when it was founded. At that time, the American economy was starting what it would become a boom over the next years and E. L. Craig founded a roofing business in order to serve the many houses and businesses that were built in that time. Craig’s wife thought that the company would grow so big that it would serve five states, which are the states above mentioned, little did she know that the company would grow to become what it is today and serve all states in the country. Ethelmae Craig, daughter of E. L. Craig is now the owner of the company, which is run by her son.

Today Tamco shingles are a reflection of Craig’s hard work, as well as the introduction of quality systems in American enterprises. Tamco was one of the pioneers in integrating quality systems in its manufacturing processes, most significantly Total Quality Management and Six Sigma, which were applied to the manufacturing process of Tamco shingles by Crag’s son in law.

Although the company offers several products, Tamco shingles continue to be the cornerstone of their success. Staying always on the vanguard of the building industry, Tamco shingles are produced with the new and most innovative synthetic materials that are indistinguishable to the eye from classic materials such as wood, tile and slate. However, these new Tamco shingles are different from their classic predecessors in resistance to weather, impact, and most importantly, fire.

As if that weren’t enough, Tamco shingles are complemented by reasonable prices and guarantees that have the convenience of being transferable when the house is sold or rented.

So, if you want true American roofing, with the best look and the highest quality, you can’t go wrong with Tamco shingles.
