Internet Backgammon

In the face of newer, more advanced gaming, both electronic and otherwise, backgammon continues to enjoy a great popularity with players the world over. This may not be especially surprising, considering similar games like chess and checkers still maintain healthy followings, but it does say something to the credit of these ancient games that enjoy a healthier following amidst the many computer and electronic gaming devices in the market. Funnily enough, it seems that backgammon has actually managed a resurgence of popularity not seen in decades and this is, somewhat ironically, thanks to the computer age.

Today, internet backgammon is incredibly popular, and one can argue that internet backgammon is in fact more popular today than its traditional counterpart. One need only to type "internet backgammon" into a search engine to find the many sites that offer internet backgammon gaming through their servers. Also referred to as, "online backgammon", this niche has found a healthy homeostasis among the many sites offering backgammon online. Some of the more popular sites, like, or, host tournaments, and some even let you play for money, like many backgammon aficionados prefer to do when playing the traditional game in their homes or parlors.

Some sites allow you to play against a computer-controlled opponent, with varying levels of difficulty. While this is certainly fun, it pales in comparison with the real-world action of playing against an actual human being in real time, possibly across the country or world. There are benefits, however, to playing backgammon against a computer-controlled foe. If you are a novice, you can use the easier settings to let yourself get into the groove of the game and understand the fundamentals. Then, at your own pace, you can ramp up the difficulty, so as to prepare you for facing human opponents, without embarrassing yourself in some way. Also, playing against the computer is more ideal for those who have a slower internet connection. While online backgammon is by no means taxing on a computer with even standard connections and memory, a slower connections speed may still be a potential hazard when playing in real time.

At any rate, there is plenty of enjoyment to be had by playing backgammon on the internet. This allows for endless fun if you are one of the many backgammon addicts in this country. No matter the time of day, you will almost certainly be able to find somebody to play against online. Just remember, don't be a sore loser!
